Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This was a funny quote I just saw in a newsletter I read:

"These days, the witches are hardly old crones with twisted noses. They've got fishnets and you'd just want to jump in their cauldrons." -John Majdoch.

You can sign up for the newsletter here:


Just go to "free newsletter" on the top bar! It's such a great little email newsletter that Lyn and Paul send out weekly.  I know they used to alternate weeks on who wrote the newsletter, but I am not 100% sure if that's still how it works.  The stories they post are always so interesting and I learn so much week to week from them! :) Check it out!



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! I just signed up to there free newsletter and I can not wait to get my first email/newsletter from them! I loved the quote by the way! I have a notebook I write down all my favorite quotes in and that one just made it in! Hope you are having a fantastic week! Blessed Be! -Jenn
